Director of Sales & Leasing City Fringe

Justin Rose

Director of Sales & Leasing City Fringe

Justin's X-FACTORS

  • Knowledge
  • Enthusiasm
  • Flexibility

Justin Rose refers to these his X-Factors as his framework for success.

It is a winning formula reflected in Mr Rose’s lengthy list of career highlights to date.

The established and highly respected industry professional has spent 21 years amassing multiple record-breaking real estate deals across Sydney’s City Fringe.

After launching his career in Newtown, Mr Rose swiftly climbed the property ladder securing notable results across residential and commercial asset management, commercial sales and leasing deals.

“Enthusiasm gets you everywhere,” he said.

“It has absolutely assisted me in my career, as well as product knowledge and accommodating change.”

Yet Mr Rose is still not satisfied and, if anything, is even more motivated to achieve further growth.

“We are providing a team environment where people will join and never leave,” he said.

“We are providing a platform for them to achieve their goals and remain on board for the long term.”

This requires an unnerving commitment to the cause, which Mr Rose relishes.

“It’s an extreme amount of work but it’s very exciting to be a part of,” he said.

“We are a huge part of the growth of the brand and this is only the beginning.”

Justin's Listings

  • Now Selling
  • Now Leasing
  • Recent Sales
  • Recently Leased
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